Coast Guardian Inc. (CGI) / CGIVerix™ Privacy Statement     January 12, 2010

This statement is to assist you in understanding how we collect, use and safeguard information you provide to us. From time-to-time, this statement will be reassessed and, if appropriate, changed.  The changed privacy statement will be posted here as a replacement for the existing one.  Please check back from time-to-time to ensure you have reviewed the most recent version of this statement.

Section A. The Information Collected and How it is Used
When you visit our Web site you may provide us with two types of information: (1) Web site use information collected automatically on an aggregate basis as you browse our Web site, and (2) Personal information you knowingly choose to disclose that is collected on an individual basis. If you do nothing during your visit except browse through the Web site, read pages, or download information, we automatically gather and store the following information about your visit: (1) The Internet domain (for example, "" if you use a private Internet access account, or "" if you connect from a university's domain) and the IP address (an IP address is a number that is automatically assigned to your computer whenever you are surfing the Web) from which you access our Web site; (2) The type of browser and operating system you used to access our site; (3) The date and time you access our site; (4) The pages you visit and any downloads you may perform. The information we automatically collect does not identify you personally. We use the information to help us make our site more useful to visitors by totaling the number of visitors to our site and each page on the site and the types of web browsers and other technology our visitors use. We do not track or record information about individuals and their visits. The IP addresses are not linked to identifiable information.

Section B. Personal Information and Choice
"Personal information" is information about a natural person that identifies a specific individual. Personal information includes such things as an individual's name, address, and phone number. A domain name or Internet protocol address is not considered personal information. You may choose whether or not to provide personal information online. We collect no personal information about you unless you voluntarily provide it to us by sending us e-mail, participating in a survey, or completing an online form. You may choose not to contact us by e-mail, participate in a survey, or provide any personal information using an online form. Your choice not to participate in these activities will not impair your ability to browse the CGIVerix™ Web site and read or download any information posted on the site.  However, not providing us personal information may preclude us from providing you with access to a subscriber service that requires you to login (sign on) such as the CGIVerix™ tool.

If you choose to provide us with personal information (e.g. your postal or e-mail address or telephone number) - by sending an e-mail, or by filling out a form (e.g. a survey) and submitting it to us: (1) We use that information to respond to your message and/or to help us fulfill your request (e.g. subscribing to a list). (2) We share that information only if required by law. (3) We do not create individual profiles with that information.  We do not give it to any private organizations. (4) We may use the information for our own marketing but we do not sell any information provided by users through this Web site to third parties. (5) When you provide personal information, we aggregate it with that of other users to help us tailor our web site, publications, and services to our users' needs and to help us understand our audience. (6) The use of, and access to your personal information is restricted to those personnel/staff who need to know that information to provide services or support to you. We do not divulge your personal information voluntarily.  However, we do cooperate with law enforcement authorities and will obey any valid court order requesting or directing us to disclose the identity of or help identify or locate anyone pursuant to U.S. State or Federal law. If you believe that your personal information is being used for a purpose other than what was intended when submitting it, please contact us using the information shown in the "Contact Information" section of this privacy policy.

Section C. Cookies
Cookies are simple text files stored on your computer by Internet Web sites to help identify users and customize user experience.  The proper functioning of certain features of a Subscriber Service offered via this web site (e.g. the Scorebook Navigator service) may require that we store a cookie on the computer you are using to access the Service.

Section D. Security
When you submit sensitive information via the Web site, your information is protected both online and offline.  We maintain physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect all information. We take several steps to safeguard the integrity of the data and prevent unauthorized access to information. These measures are designed and intended to prevent corruption of data, block unknown or unauthorized access to our systems and information, and to provide reasonable protection of private and personal information in our possession. Information entered into a Subscriber Service (e.g. the Scorebook Navigator service) is encrypted and is protected using a SSL (secure sockets layer) technology during its transmission to/from our server. E-mail Security-Privacy Warning: e-mail is not a secure medium. Personal information sent to us via the Internet is not encrypted and thus can be intercepted. You may, therefore, wish to reconsider the advisability of sending messages that contain highly sensitive, personal information to this Internet address.

Section E. Disclaimer
CGIVerix™ Web site and its information/materials may contain hypertext or links to other Internet computer sites which are not owned, operated, controlled or reviewed by the Alliance for Performance Excellence. These links are provided solely as a courtesy and convenience to you, the visitor. When you link to one of these sites, you are no longer on the Web site and this privacy policy will not apply. When you link to another Web site, you are subject to the privacy policy of that new site.

CGI exercises no control over the organizations, views, accuracy, copyright or trademark compliance or the legality of the material contained on those servers and does not sponsor, endorse, or approve the information, content, products, materials, opinions or services contained on such external sites. You, the visitor, proceed to these external sites at your own risk. CGI specifically disclaims any and all liability from damages which may result when you access a third party site which is linked to the CGIVerix™ Web site, or from reliance upon any such information.

Section F. Contact Information
To offer comments about the CGIVerix ™ Web site, or about this privacy statement, please email